Saturday, August 29, 2009

Steps to properly training your pitbull to walk on a leash

Are you sick of your dog pulling on the leash? Are you tired of being walked by your dog? By following these few easy steps you can train yourself and your pitbull to walk properly.

When you are leash training your American pit bull, you have to be a trainer of your self as well as the dog. You must not walk when your dog is pulling. You must stop when they are pulling. Once your dog realizes that pull means stop, and not go, you will have a much easier time walking your pitbull. You must always have your pit bull walk beside or behind you. When your dog walks in front of you, this is a sign of dominance. In the wild the pack leader always walks in the front of the pack. This is no different when you are walking with your dog. They form a pack mentality and if they are walking in front of you, this is the way they are saying "I'm the Boss!".

Following these few easy steps will do wonders for dogs that like to drag you around the neighborhood.

  1. Hold the leash to your right or left side as if you are carrying a briefcase.
  2. Do not put tention on the leash.
  3. Always have your dog walk beside you or behind you.
  4. Never have your dog walk infront of you
  5. If your dog begins to pull infront of you tug the leash and correct them.
  6. If your dog walks in front of you, stop and do not start walking until they are either behind your or beside you and in a calm and submissive state.
These few simple steps will help you walk your pitbull with ease without any hassle. Once your dog realizes where he or she can or cannot go this will make your walks a breeze.
For more training tips please visit Thanks and have a great day!

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