Tuesday, July 28, 2009

10 easy tips to help you exercise your Pit Bull and Build Muscle with Supplements

10 easy tips to help you exercise your Pit Bull & Build Muscle with Supplements

1. Walks!
The best and easiest way to help form a bond with your Pitbull and exercise them is daily walks. It is recommended to walk your dog for at least 30 minuets a day.

2. Treadmills!
Treadmills are an easy way to exercise your pitbull on days that it is raining, or days that you don't have enough time to take them for a walk. Simply put a leash and collar on your dog and stand over them while the treadmill is at a slow speed. Hold the leash firmly above the track. As they get used to it you can tie the leash to the front of the treadmill and increase the speed gradually. Always supervise your pitbull while they are on the treadmill. They also sell treadmills specifically for dogs if you don't want to use a human treadmill. Visit http://www.jogadog.com/ for treadmills specifically for dogs.

3. Fetch!
Fetch is a great way to exercise your dog by using tennis balls, Frisbees, kongs, ext. Once again, don't let your dog chew on any of these toys unsupervised.

4. Kongs!
Kong toys are a great way to exercise your pitbull's jaws and mind. These toys allow the dogs to work to get the treat inside the toy. The black color kongs are recommended since they are the most durible and longest lasting toys on the market. Visit http://www.kongcompany.com/ or goto your local pet store for these toys.

5. Weight pulling! Weight pulling is a great sport for pitbulls and gives them more than enough exercise. Pitbulls excel at this sport in particular due to their low center of gravity, muscular builds, and sheer determination. Be sure to research weight pulling before hand and be sure that your dog is done growing before you have them pull weights. If your dog is still maturing any type of weight pulling is not recommended. For more information on weight pulling visit: http://kinnemankennels.com/weight_pull_dogs.html

6. Weight Vests! Weight vests are a great way to build muscle and tone your dog. It is recommended that you start out with a small amount of weight and gradually increase it. These can be worn during play time, while playing fetch, or while on the treadmill. Many types and styles are available, here is a link to one of them: http://leerburg.com/792.htm

7. Swimming! Swimming is a fantastic way to exercise your dog. Most dogs are already natural swimmers and love the water. You can take your dogs to local parks, lakes, or creeks to give them an excellent workout. Be sure to supervise your dogs closely while in the water.

8. Dog parks!
Dog parks are not only a great way to have your dog exercise while playing with other dogs, they are also a great way to socialize your pitbulls! Socializing your dog is one of the key elements to raising a pitbull properly and dog parks are a great place to do this. Make sure your dog is current on all vaccinations before going to the dog park and also make sure that you don't take puppies that are not fully vaccinated yet.

9. Protection Work!
Protection work is not for everyone but it can be a fun and exciting way to exercise your dog, and exercise them intensely. Not only does this work their jaws, leg muscles, and over all body, it also exercises their mind. Protection work should only be done by trained professionals that have many years of training experience and are knowledgeable about training and the breed of dog they are working with. When done properly it's a great sport and a great way to exercise your dogs.

10. Obedience Training!
Obedience training is also a great way to not only excise your dog's body, buy also their mind. You can work on simple commands like sit, stay, here, rollover, ext while at the park, or at your home. More detailed training techniques can be found here: http://www.dog-obedience-training-review.com/

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