Friday, February 24, 2012

American Bulldog Dog Breed

When dog breeders created the American Bulldog, they were going for traits that represented a sturdy enough dog to work cattle or hogs as well as be the overall protector of the property. The American Bulldog dog breed was designed to be a fighter, and that was a fighter of wolves, and a fighter against home invaders. A burglar, attacker, or home invader usually will think twice once they hear the bark of an American Bulldog. That is one of the reasons they make up for one of the best guard dogs.

With all that said about the American Bulldog dog breeds beefiness, they of course have a gentle loving side. All American Bulldogs when well socialized and raised with children and other small pets from a young age will be the “big oaf” of the family, though they will never hesitate to put themselves between their owners and potential danger. When it comes to rescued American Bulldogs, most adoption agencies assess the temperament of each individual brought through the shelter, and most shelters that specialize in American Bulldogs specifically are very clear about what homes are appropriate for each dog adopted.