Friday, December 16, 2011

Karelian Bear Dog Breed

The Karelian Bear dog breed is has a very statuesque posture when at attention. The tail should be a tight curly que that sits atop the back but should not sickle if the bloodlines are true. Adult Karelian Bear dogs will get to around 50 pounds male or female. The only acceptable markings are any pattern of white and black with the black to cover 70% usually and white 30% to uphold the AKC’s standard for the Karelian dog breed. Some Karelian Bear dogs are born with highlights of bronze along the borders of the white and black markings, but those of course are great pet animals, but not show quality. Karelian Bear dog breeders will still sell these dogs, but will have them spayed or neutered first. This is becoming a common practice as opposed to euthanasia.
Karelian Bear Dog Breed History and Origin:
There is a lot of speculation about the origination of the Karelian Bear Dog breed. Historians have noted that the Karelian dog breed may be one of the primitive dog breeds from 15,000 years ago. Primitive in this sense means the dogs that may have been tamed during that time by the Russian and Finnish people, but still share that familial gene with wolves. The Karelian Bear dog breed was able to withstand the harsh weather conditions that plagued Eastern Finland.
This was just a theory that many historians shared. Modern DNA testing has only just breached the surface to unlocking the mysteries behind where and how all the dog breeds we see to day came to be. Its now up to our kids kids kids to hopefully find the key.