Wednesday, June 10, 2009


Pit bull bans are not the answer. This great breed of dog is being owned by the wrong people in these cases. These few people shouldn't ruin the breed for the rest of the people that raise these dogs to be loving family pets. The people that are fighting these dogs and using them as a mean of protection or street cred are the ones ruining the reputation of the breed. They need to enact extremely tough laws against people fighting and mistreating dogs of any breed. That is the only way to truly solve problems with dog aggression towards people.

You can ban a breed, but there are hundreds of other breeds of dogs that have the same potential to kill and maim people and children. Banning the breed will only change the breed responsible for the attacks. It will not stop dog attacks.

Pit bull were never bred to be human aggressive, only dog aggressive. Even the dog aggression has been bred out of this breed for the most part. Human aggression is not a characteristic of this breed and it never was.

It's the rare cases where a person tries to train these dogs to be human aggressive with no knowledge on the breed, or how to properly train a protection dog. They end up with a dog that is unstable and unpredictable. The other type of people that are responsible for dog attacks are people with little or no knowledge of the breed that do no socialize their dogs with people or other dogs. Socializing dogs of any breed is essential in preventing dog attacks. Also, dogs need daily exercise to avoid building pent up energy that can be potentially released in the wrong way.

There are hundreds of dog attacks each day. The media only focuses on pit bull attacks for the most part. They do this because it sells their story. This gives the public the misconception that pit bulls are responsible for most dog attacks. In reality they are responsible for very few dog attacks.

If anyone takes the time to do research on strong breeds of dogs you will find hundreds of breeds that have the potential to kill. Therefore banning one breed of dog is not only pointless, it's unfair to dog owners that treat this breed with love and consider them as part of their family.

Author: Rick Springfield

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