Sunday, May 3, 2009


How To Train A Pitbull- The Secret To Raising A Gentle Pitbull by Michael Hutchins

When "Rocco", our 8 month old Pitbull started getting out of control, we wished that we knew how to train a Pitbull. Unfortunately, my wife laura and I had waited until "Rocco" was close to full grown, to begin out Pitbull puppy training. Luckily, we took the advice of a professional Pitbull handler, and we applied the secret to raising a gentle Pitbull.

When I say that "Rocco" was out of control, I don't mean he was vicious. In fact, "Rocco" was more likely to "kill" a person with "kindness", than any other method.

When Laura or I would return home from work, "Rocco" would almost knock us over in his delight! And, at over 80 lbs, "Rocco" was our worst nightmare with his habit of jumping.

"Rocco" had also developed a chronic barking habit. He would bark at just about any, or everything. He would even bark at people INSIDE their cars. And cats? Forget about it!

"Rocco" would go nuts!

Frankly, Laura and I were clueless about how to train a Pitbull. The problem became so severe that we were strongly considering putting "Rocco" up for adoption.

Luckily, we ran across some information written by a professional Pitbull handler. We uncovered the reasons for Rocco's behavior, and what we could do to change it. Basically, we learned about 4 strategies for raising a gentle Pitbull:

1) Begin the training process at the youngest possible age- one word commands can begin at 8-10 weeks.

2) Give your Pitbull puppy PLENTY of exercise.

3) Don't isolate your Pitbull for long periods of time.

4) Give your Pitbull puppy ample opportunities to socialize with other dogs/people.

When Laura and I first began applying some of the many techniques we learned in the guide, it was challenging. "Rocco" was stubborn and set in his ways. The guide went in to great detail on obedience training for Pitbulls of all ages, and after about 3 weeks we noticed a dramatic improvement in his behavior. No more jumping, and limited barking!